4 Reasons Why I Switched from A Political Motivated Thinker to Healthy Lifestyle Influencer

Isach Samuel
4 min readNov 28, 2021

A Tittle Holder of Master’s Degree

How many of you spent your life pursuing so called your passions? I think we can all agree that passions are personally motivated interests that change overtime.

I was once a passionate political thinker who was eager to speak up my mind and argue with people about political issues. I used to believe that politicians are amazing people who are capable of making changes. However, my four years living experience in the US under Trump presidency changes my perspective towards politics forever.

Political Issues Are Too Broad And Complicated

I grew up thinking that our representatives are amazing people because they represent our best interests and deliver exactly just that. Now, I am old enough to realize that my interests are not similar with yours or with others. My interests are not represented simply through a political agenda that talks nothing but talking points. In my country, every five years we will have to select new representatives as well as a president that are expected to serve us the people. However, in reality many of them just work for big corporations or entities that can get them reelected or else make them richer. So, it has never been about us the constituents, but it is about the politicians and how they can create a small effort that can be used as a talking point to convince you to support them for another term.

Your Thinking Will Not Change Anything, Your Actions Will Be Something

Don’t you agree that all politicians have something in common. They all are really good at public speaking. They can talk out every single idea about solving a societal problem. They can also make a complicated statistical figure easy to digest. And, we might have listened to the same ideas overtime, but they still make us believe that their proposed idea is a brand new idea. Bunch of politicians are just a mastermind. Many of them barely understand what they need to do to get the work done, but they surely know what to say. On the other hand, we have Greta Thunberg, a Swedish environmental activist who has inspired millions of green movements surround the world.

Living A Healthy Lifestyle Has Less Mental Related Problems Than A Political Motivated Lifestyle.

How many of you have struggled sleeping at night because of overthinking? I remember the day when Trump was announced as the 45th President of The United States of America, I was completely confused by the fact that so many friends of mind were crying in my class. As a foreign student, I really did not know who Trump was and why there was a public outcry in the day of his election. My friend said sorry to me that I would have to live under his presidency for 4 years and witnessed the down fall of American Democracy. Eventually, I understand what he said after living through so many domestic terrors triggered by the Q’Anon group in several occasions throughout the years. It was the hardest time in my life as an individual who likes to argue about politics, yet finding myself struggled to speak up my mind because of living under insecurity of my existence as a minority individual.

Healthy Lifestyle Brings Clarity

The covid-19 pandemic has shifted my lifestyle completely. I am now living my life as a social media health influencer. I have been passionate about living more a meaningful life. During pandemic, I also lost my job and had to move back to Indonesia. Fortunately, I was able to maintain my wellbeing that led me to participate in a national health influencer pageantry The New L-Men Of The Year 2021. I paved my way to become one of the 20 grand finalists and was awarded the most inspiring movement of the year 2021. Since then I started a campaign on my instagram using #iwillteachyoutobemindful to raise awareness about mental health matters for everybody across genders and how to stay focus on oneself. Since then, I have been invited to multiple webinars and Instagram lives to share my journey of living more meaningful and healthy habits.

Everybody deserves a meaningful life. If politics makes you feel alive, it is probably your passion. If talking about politics wastes a lot of your energy, that is probably a good sign to start exploring another interest, find new hobbies, and expand necessary skills to survive in this new world post pandemic. All it takes is refocusing on yourself, asking yourself what exactly you want and how you would achieve it.



Isach Samuel

Indonesia Government Administrative Officer. A passionate health influencer, writer, and social entrepreneur. Find me @isachsam on instagram